Welcome to the Bug Bounty Wiki - This wiki is a project brought to you by 0xFFFF crew along with a number of our friends/associates. The purpose of this wiki is to create a beginner-friendly yet comprehensive guide on everytjing related to bug bounty hunting, ranging from reconnaisance and vulnerability analysis, to report writing and dealing with triage teams, all the way to advanced context-specific exploitation scenarios. Due to the majority of bug bounty programs being web-based, lots of the stuff we teach here will have a primary emphasis on web application security.. However, we will also be covering other relevant areas of security such as Web3/DeFi Security, or Cloud-based security.
Within this index page, below the text you are currently reading, you will be able to see a full list of categories, with each category having numerous sub-categories covering whatever topic that category is about. For example, you could click on “web-based attacks” underneath the “webapp security” category in order to be able to view a full list of different web-based attack vectors that we will be covering, and from there you'll be able to view the page for each unqiue web attack. If you're not sure where to start, then the “New? Start here!” section is likely ideal for you. It's probably best to work through each category in chronological order, starting at the top of this page and working your way down to the bottom.
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reverse engineering binary exploitation etc
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